The world is facing many environmental challenges. Certech takes advantage from its different fields of expertise to draw up a comprehensive air quality environmental diagnosis as well as to support its customers in their approach of sustainable development.
Atmospheric pollution
- Evaluation of the quality of air, risks assessment and environmental impact
- Atmospheric pollution
- Ambient air analysis
- Risk assessment: working process, detection, inventory and prioritisation of pollutants according to their hazards
- Sampling and analysis: determination of homogeneous exposure group (HEP), analysis of chemicals, microbiological agents, (nano)particles, noise measurement
- Evaluation of personal protective equipment efficiency
- Assessment of workplace exposure levels, toxicological evaluation
- Eco-products and health
Indoor Air Quality
Sustainable products-Emissions from materials
Circular economy and waste management
Mechanical recycling (Plastic-to-Plastic)
Chemical recycling (Plastic to Liquid, Plastic to Waxes, Plastic to Gas , Plastic to Chemicals)