Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

Our expertise serving the circular economy

As an independent laboratory, Certech offers you the benefit of more than 40 years of expertise in the global management of gaseous emissions, the optimization of processes or the improvement of products and their environmental impact in a sustainable development context.


We make it more sustainable


Atmospheric pollution / Workplace exposure / Process improvement / Chemical Energy Storage / Waste Recovery.
Expert in standardization committees (CEN, ISO…)

R&D activities in the field of environment are mainly covering:

  • Health & Safety/Air quality: evaluation of the quality of air, risks assessment and environmental impact
  • Energy: advanced materials, sustainable technologies, renewable resources
  • Recycling: waste management and valorisation into materials and/or energy

As a research centre, Certech takes benefits from the synergies resulting from its other fields of expertise focused on materials and chemical process intensification.

In line with the principles of sustainable chemistry and circular economy, Certech delivers innovative solutions for the improvement and/or development of products and processes.

Certech is approved by the local authorities in the Walloon Region for air pollution and odour control. It participates in 11 Afnor, EN and ISO standardization committees.

Contact us now for more information

Expertise in Environment