Certech has successfully passed Round-Robin tests for air quality analysis
Certech is accredited by the Walloon Region for the sampling, analysis and research in the field of air quality (including odours), as well as for measurements by dynamic olfactometry and odour detection threshold with human assessors.
In this context, Certech passed the Round-Robin test “LABS_2020” organized by VITO on measurements of velocity, volume, temperature, dust and HCl dosage.
Certech is active in the field of VOCs and odors for 40+ years and is a reference player in Belgium and in the world thanks to its position as active member in the standardization committees on air quality (CEN / TC264, ISO / TC146 / SC6, CEN / TC137, CEN / TC351, AFNOR B44, CEN / TC386).
Our technical expertise is focused on odour, VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds), sprays, dusts, nanoparticles, noise and microbiological agents.
Certech covers all aspects of air quality issues (diagnostic and remediation) from the outdoor environment (air pollution) to confined spaces (automotive, transportation, workplace, offices, domestic, …). Our skills, infrastructure and specialist expertise are made available to companies for the comprehensive characterisation of emissions and the development of new processes and products.