Certech operates under the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system.
Quality and Recognition
Quality management
Car manufacturers accreditations / Automotive industry
Certech operates as test laboratory for the automotive industry.
Certech is a test laboratory accredited by PSA/Stellantis for the following automotive tests:
- VOC analyses according to D10 5495-E
- Aldehydes and Ketones analyses according to D40 5535-E
- Odour according to D10 5517-G
Certech is accredited by Renault Nissan for the following automotive tests:
- VOC and aldehydes & ketones analyses from materials after conditioning in micro-scale chamber according to RNES-B-20116 v1.1
- VOC, aldehydes & ketones, odour analyses from entire parts after conditioning in 1 m3 chamber test according to RNES-B-00114 v1.1 (formerly D49 3027-C and D49 3085-B) and RNES-B-00096 v1.1 (formerly D49 3046-C)
- Odour from materials according to RNES-B-00096 v1.1 (formerly D49 3001-E)
- VOC analyses according to D42 3109-C and D413144-A
- Aldehydes and Ketones analyses according to D40 3004-A
Certech is authorized by TOYOTA to make testing on the parts /materials in view of the fact that it has been trained and has followed an assessment activity for the standards TSM0505-1A, TSM0508G, and TSM0512G
Accreditations by authorities
Certech is a scientific institution approved by the Federal Council of Ministres of January 1, 2006.
Certech is a research center approved by decree of September 18, 2008 relating to the support of research, development and innovation in Wallonia.
Certech is accredited by the Walloon Region for the sampling, analysis and research in the field of air quality (including odours), as well as for measurements by dynamic olfactometry and odour detection threshold with human assessors.
Certech is eligible for technological consulting and contracting via the so-called “chèques technologiques” for Wallonia or “KMO-portefeuille” for Flanders. These grants are dedicated to SMEs, to support and promote innovation.
Certech has been approved as service provider according to the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. As a consequence, Certech is eligible for the Research Tax Credit program (CIR).
Certech is also referenced by the ADEME (French Agency for Environment and Energy Management) as a qualified laboratory for the assessment of air quality.
Standardisation committees
Certech is recognised as a reference expert by the AFNOR, ISO and CEN committees. Certech has been involved in the drafting of the European standards EN 13725 (dynamic olfactomery), ISO 16000 (indoor air), ISO 12219 (Interior air of road vehicles) and EN 16846-1 (Photocatalysis). Certech is currently involved in the drafting process of new standards covering the following topics:
- Determination of VOC’s in indoor air
- Emissions into indoor air
- Emissions from constructions products into indoor air
- Sensory testing
- Measurement of odour impact by on-site inspection
- Workplace air
Scientific recognition
- Active member of the Editorial Board (Editor in Chief) of International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization (IJPAC)
- Referee for the following journals: ACS Applied Polymer Materials, ACS Catalysis, Catalysis Communications, Catalysts, ChemCatChem, Chemistry Eur. J., European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Food Packaging and Shelf Life, Materials, Macromolecules, Molecules, Nanomaterials, Organic Letters, Polymer Chemistry, Polymers, RSC Advances, Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange, Synthesis, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, Frontiers in Chemical Engineering
- Authorized Partner Laboratory of Agilent Technologies for our expertise in chromatography: GPC, TREF, TD-GC-MS
- Member of the GN-MEBA (microscopy) and GFSV (spectroscopy) scientific Council
- Emissions and odours from materials conference organization
- Guest Lecturer at Louvain and Savoie University:
- Guest professor at the University of Louvain, the University of Savoie, and CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers):
– Sustainable treatment of industrial and domestic wastes
– Safety in the industry
– Sampling techniques and air analysis
– Process Intensification – Flow Chemistry – Sustainable chemistry
– Advanced study in Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray microanalysis: Insulating materials and polymers