Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions


Biobased materials and products have a major role to play in the transition to a circular bioeconomy in order to meet the ambition of the European Union (EU) which aims in its Green Deal for a climate neutral Europe in 2050.
In this project, Certech will develop biobased composites with interesting properties (antioxidant, antibacterial, antistatic, …) by valorising regional agricultural by-products.

Certech activities within the project are based on our following expertise:
• Development of thermoplastic polymer matrices based on modified biobased raw materials
Formulation and process of biocomposites
• Physico-chemical and mechanical characterisation of the biocomposites
• Characterisation of Volatile Organic Compounds and odors emissions from biocomposites


Compovert Project – Interreg France-Wallonie-Flandres funding

With the support of the European Regional Development Fund and Wallonia

R&D Projects