Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

3D printing (3DP) is a promising technology for personalising medicines, medical devices and educational models. In France and Belgium, 3DP is mainly outsourced, which generates high costs and limits its accessibility. Bringing it in-house in hospitals could reduce time and costs but requires for the Franco-Belgian region some coordination and significant regulatory adjustments. The INSIDE 3D project aims to develop these technologies for educational and medical uses, to better integrate 3DP into the healthcare ecosystem, and to inform professionals about its applications in personalised medicine, while strengthening cross-border cooperation.

As part of this project, Certech will focus on the formulation of polymer materials with active ingredients and other excipients. These formulations will be specifically adapted to additive manufacturing and the implementation of a personalised medicine.

Certech will contribute to the following cross-border activities:

– The identification of commercially available raw materials suitable and compliant for pharmaceutical use

– Formulation by hot melt extrusion of a polymer materials with active ingredients that meets the specifications of the therapeutic application.

– Processing of this innovative materials as filaments or granules compatible with 3D printing.

Physico-chemical characterisation of the materials and semi-finished products (filaments, granules, etc.).

– Preliminary 3DP testing on filaments using FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling).

In addition, Certech will play an active part with all the partners in communication, dissemination, valorisation and transfer of the results in the Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen area.

Inside 3D Project

Inside 3D Project – Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen funding
With the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Wallonia

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R&D Projects