Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

HPP (high pressure processing) technology is a cold pasteurization process that allows food to be preserved without adding additives and without changing texture, appearance or taste while preserving nutrients and vitamins. The growing success of this technology as well as consumer expectations and regulatory and environmental challenges are driving the development of new suitable packaging. In collaboration with Walloon companies, Certech contribute to the development of bio-based HPP packaging, with recyclability and compostability options, drawing on its following expertise:

• Selection and formulation of bio-based raw materials
• Film production by film extrusion and blow molding
• Thermoforming of food trays
• Evaluation of the sealing of the lids on the trays
• Thermomechanical and microscopic characterization of films and trays

HIPPER-PACK project – SPW EER Wallonia - Granting n° C-8380

R&D Projects