Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

Industry partner delivering innovative and sustainable chemical solutions

Copyright © 2024 Certech

As part of the European Green Deal and its objective of a climate neutral Europe in 2050, the transition to a circular plastics economy constitutes a major challenge for a large number of companies. At European level, the use of recycled plastics in finished products is becoming increasingly necessary given the “Circular Plastics Alliance” initiative, the new regulation on packaging and packaging waste (PPWR) and the tax on plastics. The regions of the cross-border territory have also taken clear steps towards an obligation in terms of recycled content.

In this context, the cross-border RE-ASSIGN project (REcycling plAStics deSIGN) aims to support companies in their transition to a circular economy through the development of plastic products incorporating recycled materials (Design from recycling) from post-consumer or pre-consumer streams.

Certech is conducting the project and will contribute to the following activities:

• Optimization of mechanical and chemical recycling processes
Formulation of compounds integrating the maximum content of recycled materials allowing to achieve the targeted specifications
• Development of characterisation methods for recycled plastics to address critical issues related to legacy additives, substances of concern and the presence of NIAS (non-intentionally added substances)
Characterisation of odors and VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions from recycled products


Interreg France-Wallonie-Vlaanderen funding

With the support of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Wallonia

R&D Projects